Beyond Yield Response: Weather Shocks and Crop Abandonment
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, forthcoming
Xiaomeng Cui
Climate Change and Adaptation in Agriculture: Evidence from US Cropping Patterns
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 81: 102306
Xiaomeng Cui
The Effect of Air Pollution on Criminal Activities: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 83: 103528
Siyu Chen, Teng Li
The Impact of Indoor Air Pollution on Health Outcomes and Cognitive Abilities: Empirical Evidence from China
Population and Environment, 40(4): 388-410
Yun Qiu, Feng-an Yang, Wangyang Lai
城市与环境研究, 1: 95-111
李承政, 李旭辉, 顾海英
Shoreline Defense against Climate Change and Capitalized Impact of Beach Nourishment
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, 134-147
Yun Qiu, Sathya Gopalakrishnan
Run away? Air Pollution and Emigration Interests in China
Journal of Population Economics, 31(1), 235-266
Yu Qin, Hongjia Zhu
Identifying the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10, 361-380
C. Carter, Xiaomeng Cui, D. Ghanem, P. Mérel
Highway Toll and Air Pollution: Evidence from Chinese Cities
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 83, 32-49
Shihe Fu, Yizhen Gu
Climate Variability and Migration in the Philippines
Population and environment, 38(3), 286-308
Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra, Michael Oppenheimer, Ruohong Cai, Shuaizhang Feng, Rachel Licker
Climate Variability and International Migration: The Importance of the Agricultural
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 79, 135-151
Ruohong Cai, Shuaizhang Feng, Michael Oppenheimer, Mariola Pytlikova